Enterprise agreements are the main source of employment conditions within management. Enterprise agreements are negotiated between workers and management in accordance with the Fair Labour Act 2009. Any agreement must be approved by the majority of workers who vote before approval by the Fair Labour Commission. Business agreements should be read in conjunction with industry prices, legislation and relevant standards. Agreements between unions and employers are negotiated more regularly (usually every two or three years) and registered by the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC). After registration, the provisions of the agreement apply to all workers in the workplace who are employed under the industrial agreement. Where there is a vacancy, teachers should be recruited on a permanent basis. If this is not possible, the department encourages schools to continue their temporary obligations at least until the end of the first half of 2020, in order to ensure the continued employment of teachers in the system, given that, given the looming shortage of teachers, the QTU is developing a number of guidance and information brochures on the provisions of the agreements. , rewards and legislation regarding teachers` rights and obligations in Queensland to clarify things in detail. These are being updated after the new agreement has been certified.

The QTU requested that the status quo for the provision of specialized teachers at the NCT be maintained until the matter is dealt with at the CAIC. Currently, NCT is offered in elementary and special schools as follows: The DET State School Teachers` Certified Agreement 2016 expired on June 30, 2019. When a specialized service becomes substantially free, the school can verify the allocation of the NCT, but must provide each of the specialized services at least up to the aforementioned minimum time allocation. This is the non-specialized allocation of the NCT, which can be provided in another form. It is important to note that if a position with a type of deployment similar to a music or language specialist (z.B. a dance teacher who delivers the dance to prep-6 or prep-3 and then reports each student), that position will also be subject to the teacher`s professional conditions.