Fixed End Date – A rental agreement with a fixed end date gives the guarantee to both the landlord and the tenant. There is the exact day of the end of the lease. The advantage is that neither party is obliged to terminate the lease, it simply ends on the date indicated. During a fixed-term lease agreement, the lessor may not increase the rent or modify other terms of the rental agreement, unless it expressly reserves the right in the contract and the tenant accepts the changes. In the Northern Territory, a residential tenancy agreement is used for agreements between: There is no minimum or maximum duration of the agreement under the law of the Northern Territory. You may add additional terms if these new terms are not contrary to the Residential Tenancies Act 1999. A homeowner faces a fine of up to $11,000.00 if they try to exclude, amend or limit the operation of the law. A lease incompatible with the law is also not valid with regard to these contradictions. The lessor can deduct from the deposit if the lease ends and the tenant owes money to the lessor for either unpaid rent or damage to the premises. As a general rule, the owner cannot remove appropriate “wear” on the site (i.e. wear and tear due solely to the dwelling on the premises).
The owner can shoot for stains on the carpet or boards, large holes in the wall and missing appliances and other things that are beyond proper wear. Consumer affairs also contribute to the provision of information and the resolution of certain types of rental disputes. It is recommended that the tenant read the agreement carefully before signing and keep the copy of the agreement for the duration of the lease. The parties to a rental agreement are the landlord, also known as the landlord, and the tenant, also known as the tenant. The landlord owns the property and allows the tenant to use the property for cash payments called rents. The tenant`s rent may increase over the term of the housing rental agreement, but only if the housing rental agreement itself gives the lessor the right to increase the rent and includes the method of calculating the increase. . . .