For the lessor, mutual termination sets a date of taking possession that can be faster than the evacuation process and can save the landlord the costs of filing the eviction and mandating a lawyer. In general, most states allow a lessor to terminate a lease or lease if the tenant: Wisconsin Lease Lease Termination forms can be used if landlords and tenants have mutually agreed to terminate their lease. If there is no lease (such as for weekly rentals), you can use the Wisconsin Notice to Vacate to inform the other party in advance that you wish to terminate the lease and evacuate the premises. Wisconsin landlords must notify tenants at least 28 days in advance to terminate a monthly rental agreement. If the tenant remains in the rental unit after receiving a termination, the landlord can bring an eviction action. Mutual termination can be valuable to the tenant even if the tenant wishes to move during the term of the rental agreement.. . .